SEO Services

SEO Services – BY MRC SEO Consulting

Most Common OnSite SEO Mistakes

The essential element towards optimization of any website is the strategy that goes behind the content. Though SEO services  is changing day by day, it’s still a hot topic to talk about. After all, it’s what puts your website at the top of Google ranking. We are Calgary SEO experts 


The optimization field keeps evolving, still there are some points that are always helpful, likewise, some tend to have a bad result as well. Here in this article, we have given a top 10 list of the most common On-Site SEO mistakes, if avoided, will give you the desired SEO result.


  1. Wrong Keywords Choice


What are SEO Services A common question that rarely gets answered. Well, it’s the optimization of the keywords that will help in ranking your website on the google pages. But are you using the correct keyword/s? Generally, we make a keyword that describes our content, but in this process, we end up neglecting theuse of long-tail keywords and what search engines are looking for.


It’s always good to do a thorough research on the keywords, as they will be the backbone of your article. You can use tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Mos. Keyword Explorer and Google Trends to find the perfect keyword/s.


  1. Keyword Stuffing


Many believe using the keyword twice in each paragraph will boost their ratings. Yes, it will boost, but not upwards, rather downwards. You may be amazed to know; overstuffed keywords are actually considered as spam but search engines. Never overstuff a keyword, especially if you are using more than one keyword.


Overstuffed keywords give your content an unnatural look that seems useless for the audience it targets. In fact, Google has employed a unique semantic search under the name Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI), that recognizes your content even if the keyword is used to a minimum count.


  1. Creating Content Not Relevant to the Keyword/s


Another issue is creating content that does not revolve around the keywords. You choose a keyword that will help you rank top in the google search, but while writing the content, you end up not focusing on the keyword.


Google uses keywords to offer its users with the most relevant content hence if your content does not execute the keywords properly, Google won’t rank your website on the top page.


  1. Publishing Copy Content


This mistake relates to the quality of your content. There was a time when using duplicate content was common, but today search engines consider using another website content as yours- a penalty. Not only is copying considered as plagiarism but is taken as spamming someone else’s work and is highly rejected by content writers. Duplicate content has no place on the internet these days. Some think it’s great to use article spinner tools, but thetruth is it’s better to write your own unique content. For those who cannot write, can hire a writer to write for them. Unique content is the king of any article that will definitely give your website a top ranking.


  1. Not Using Title Tags & Meta Descriptions


So, you’ve used the correct keywords and used sufficiently as well. Do you think this is enough to help your website rank? No, cause if you forget to use Title tags and meta descriptions, you’re forgetting the elementary need. If you skip these two, consider a vital part of your content is missing. When a search engine crawls onto your website, it’s these elements that help in optimizing your website.


  1. Not Using Quality Links


Nowadays, many content marketers believe the use of external links increases the quality of their websites. Hence, it is very important you use links of reputed websites that hold a good reputation inGoogle rankings. Also, if any other website has used your website link, then link them as well to increase traffic.


  1. Going haywire with Your Internal Links


Usage of internal links also falls under common mistakes. It’s natural to paste your top-ranking website link in your content, after all, it will only boost your rankings. Yes, it offers users an interaction with other content. But, make sure content in the internal link has regards to the content you are pasting it in. Don’t paste internal links just because they should be there as some SEO experts suggest.


  1. Not Using Mobile-Friendly Experience


Content and keywords are definitely part of SEO optimization, but they ate not the end of it. SEO optimization also includes your websites quality and since today most of the user’s access internet on their hand devices hence, amobile-friendly website is a must and Google easily identifies a non-mobile-friendly website.


  1. Not Using Power of Influence for Social Media Interactions


Optimization and social media go hand in hand. Why do you share your content on social media networks? The main cause is to get online influence for your website. The other reason is- to get your content noticed by people who otherwise might never cross your website. Hence, it’s important to use all social media networks to gain maximum credibility for your content.


  1. Not Using Analytics


Last and perhaps the most important of them all is- keeping track of your progress. Many consider it awaste of time to keep track of numbers, but they are very important for your ranking. Regular review of your analytics is the most important step towards SEO optimization. Analysis can be done by using Google Analytics or Google Webmaster Tools. Both give you accurate data on the performance of your website.





SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a crucial part of your content and helps you rank on the top of Google rankings. Though there are a lot of guides online, still these commonly used mistakes degrade the content, and many don’t even realize one of the above-said mistake is the reason their content did not rank.


Hence, before you embark on posting your content online, the suggestion is to thoroughly search the net and see what and how others present their websites. If you still have problems, then hire a professional to do the work for you.